The innovative Thru-in-1® sleeving system combines the functionality of a masonry drill with new technology to simplify the process of passing cables or pipes through cavity walls. A one-stage process that vastly reduces installation times and material and labour costs, the product has been designed specifically for the professional trades.   

While not exclusive to specific installations, The Thru-in-1 technology has been engineered with two applications in mind; the 22 mm option is ideal for electrical cabling installations, and the larger 28 mm product is well suited for gas pipe installations.

Rigorously tested on all types of cavity wall from wet/dry breeze block to engineering bricks with all manner of cavity insulation, the high quality, patented drill bit and sleeve will work on any cavity wall up to 345 mm deep. When the hole is drilled, a specialised plastic sleeve is left in place, which compacts and locks on entry. Creating a clear passage for service installation, any pipe or cable with a diameter of 15.5 mm or less will pass through the sleeve in seconds, eliminating the need for ‘fishing’.

The Thru-in-1 drill bit is custom designed and manufactured by innovative, market-leading drilling and tool solutions provider, Armeg – a company with 30 years of experience in solving application specific drilling problems – delivering a multi-functional SDS drill bit with the added functionality of safety sleeve installation when required. The latest carbide tip technology ensures the drill offers increased penetration and efficiency, allowing installers to drill truer, rounder holes in multiple material types. Unique to Thru-in-1, the top hat guide sits at the larger end of the sleeve and secures it in place, ensuring stable and consistent installation with every hole drilled.   

Thru-in-1 remains the quickest and simplest cavity wall drilling solution on the market today, allowing workforces to achieve consistent standards across a complete install and removing the inadequacies of damaged cavity walls, hand cut sleeves or left-over tubing.  The system ensures the installer makes significant savings in time, material and labour whilst safeguarding cables and pipes from damage within the cavity.